Extramarital affairs deluging on TV dramas > 영어토론방

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Extramarital affairs deluging on TV dramas

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,826회 작성일 04-07-09 02:11


These days too many TV dramas dealing with extramarital affairs. The situation got so out of hand that the Korean Broadcasting Commission (a government agency in charge of developing broadcasting policies and monitoring broadcasting quality) decided to take action earlier last week.

"The Woman Next Door" and "Lovers" were selected for investigation for dealing with extramarital affairs, a topic which was criticized. As a result "The Woman Next Door" did to watch more than 19 years old and older while "Lovers" was told to tone down its treatment of the topic.

"Lovers," Describe a housewife cheating on her husband. In this drama, she is not the only one who is addicted to "immoral" love. A husband in his 50s with a family also embarks on a love affair with a widow. This is not the first time that dramas dealing with extramarital affairs have enjoyed a large following. After the MBC drama "Lovers" became a big hit, several more such TV dramas followed suit.

The story lines of these dramas are similar. The only difference is the attitude of the individual characters. While the heroine of "Lovers", an ordinary housewife, feels guilty about her romantic love with a married man, the heroines in subsequent dramas are not that tormented by socially forbidden relationships.

For example, Mi-yeon, the leading female character in "The Woman Next Door," does not appear to be dissatisfied with her husband. She just feels something missing in her life and needs "refreshment." Ae-kyeong, another female character in this drama, is not much different from Mi-yeon, just more forthright than Mi-yeon. "Whenever you fall in love with other men, follow your mind and enjoy it. But don't forget to give them only 20 percent of your love," says Ae-kyeong. "To believe your husband completely is a foolish thing. A husband is useful only to fix the broken door because it costs too much money to call a professional repairman," she says.

Of course, there are many people who strongly condemn dramas dealing with extramarital love. "They promote cheating. Though the directors and staffs say that these dramas were made to reflect on the crisis in the institution of marriage and importance of family, the descriptions are often seriously distorted and perverted," Seo Jeong-ho, a follower of "The Women Next Door," said. "I think we have to prevent children from watching these dramas," Seo added.

Why have TV dramas dealing with immoral relationships gained popularity despite the raging controversy? "First, our society has changed. These days, an immoral love affair is not considered an evil crime," Seo Mee-sung, a broadcasting monitor of the Citizen Coalition for Economic Justice said. "Moreover, the directors and staffs of TV dramas need materials that can grab the viewers' attention. Adultery and extramarital affairs are sensational topics that can raise the ratings,"

However, the deluge of TV dramas dealing with immoral themes is a serious problem, critics said. The most serious problem is that these dramas may have a bad effect on the young. "Young pupils are easily influenced by TV dramas. I am afraid that middle school and high school students may think that keeping a family together is useless," a middle school teacher, said.

Q1) Why have TV dramas dealing with immoral relationships gained popularity despite the raging controversy?

Q2) What is the biggest reason do you think married couple has extramarital affair?

Q3) If you have married, and have chance to have romance with someone attractive more than your spouse, or if you have found your spouse has cheated on you, how would you react? Please tell us your opinion.

Q4) Do you think preventing or rating extramarital love related TV dramas and movies reduce divorce rate and protect our family? Or TV dramas are made to reflect on our reality, and viewers have right to decide for filtering?

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