Driving in Korea - Why Koreans have traffic accidents > 영어토론방

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Driving in Korea - Why Koreans have traffic accidents

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,733회 작성일 04-07-09 00:55


A lot has been written about why there are so many traffic accidents in Korea. Almost every day the newspaper prints someone's opinion of what the problem is and what needs to be done. Here are a few reasons why Koreans have accidents:

Many Koreans seem to think that the only correct way to drive is fast. Even when there is no special reason for speeding, they want to go as fast as conditions will allow.
"Good drivers drive fast." Many Korean drivers seem to think that a driver who drives carefully doesn't know how to drive, but people who drive fast are experts.

Either they switch on turn signals too late or they don't use them at all. Most drivers seem to expect the other drivers to know what they're going to do, even without signaling.

Many Korean drivers think that if they can see the road, they don't have to turn on their lights. But sometimes lights are necessary so that other drivers to see THEM! When it starts to get dark, it's hard to see an approaching car if its lights are not turned on. Many collisions occur at dusk because one of the cars didn't have its lights on and couldn't be seen.

The number of drivers who run red lights or turn left when there is no green arrow is increasing everyday. Many, drivers decide themselves whether or not it's necessary to stop.

Korean drivers waiting at red lights often inch their way closer and closer into the middle of the intersection, sometimes even making it hard for approaching cars to make left turns. In some countries, there is often a sign telling the drivers that they must stop at the white line behind the crosswalk.

Many intersections have no lights, no stop signs, nothing to indicate who has the right-of-way. So everyone tries to go at the same time.

In the 1980s drivers never stopped in crosswalks, or ahead of them, for fear of getting a traffic ticket. Now drivers stop their cars in crosswalks, or almost into the intersection, but policemen do nothing about it.

Drivers also used to stop for WALK signs, even when there was no one in the crosswalk. Today drivers go through even when people are crossing the street. Policemen let them get away with it.

Q1) Do you have a driver's license? If so, when did you get your license, and do you consider yourself a good driver? Why or why not?

Q2) Do you think that most drivers in Korea are unsafe or is it only a small percentage? Do you think they drive any differently than people in other countries? Explain your opinion.

Q3) In some countries, there are many policemen in unmarked police cars so that drivers never know when a policeman is watching them. Do you think that is a good idea, and would you like to see such police cars in Korea? Why or why not?

Q4) What is your opinion of the driver's education system in Korea? Do you think the system should be changed or is it okay the way it is?

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