Teaching English to Kids - Learning Language At An Early Age > 영어토론방

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Teaching English to Kids - Learning Language At An Early Age

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,967회 작성일 04-07-09 01:01


In 1996 it was announced that the teaching of English in Korea would be moved down to the third grade of elementary school. In this time of "English-learning mania" in Korea, the news was music to the ears of many parents of small children.

As "globalization" has become a household word in Korea, educational-minded parents think they must provide their children with what they think will be the most valuable asset their child will need in the 21st century- English language ability. Nowadays even preschoolers are being enrolled in neighborhood English classes.

Some people may think it is unnecessary for children to begin learning English at such a young age, but actually, there is a lot of evidence to support doing it. Research is proving that the younger children begin to learn a language, the faster they will learn it and the better their chances of becoming fluent. And children do not become "confused" by learing two languages (such as Korean and English) at the same time. They can easily distinguish one language from the other without mixing them up.

Psychologists at the University of Alabama in the USA are now doing an intensive study of how children learn. They have found that when it comes to learning all kinds of skills, "the younger, the better." And when it comes to learning a language, the more words a child hears before the age of 2, the better vocabulary he or she will be able to develop later in life.

Studying music between the ages of 3 and 10 helps to develop intellectual power. They've found that exposure to music stimulates the same part of the brain that controls higher logic. Also, children who have experience playing with numbers during the first few years of life are much more likely to develop good mathematical ability later on.

As a result of this research, some American children as young as 2-years-old are being taught foreign languages in nursery schools, and they are becoming bilingual effortlessly. And the children in these classes don't think that they're "studying" anything, they are just learning to communicate in 2 languages instead of just the one that is spoken at home.

Most people think that the decision to teach English at an earlier age in Korea is a big step in the right direction. It was also decided that after 2000, English would be taught from the first grade in public schools.

Q1) Do you think that preschool-aged children might become "confused" if they are taught two different languages (such as Korean and English) at the same time? Explain your opinion.

Q2) When do you think is the best time to start teaching English in Korean schools? Tell why you think so.
*first year of middle school
*elementary school (what grade?)
*preschool (in nursery school)

Q3) The Korean government has hired hundreds of native-speaker English teachers to teach in the public schools. Do you think that it is necessary to hire native speakers to teach English to children? Can't Korean English teachers do the job? Why or why not?

Q4) What qualifications should be required of foreign teachers hired to teach in Korean public schools? For example, should they be required to speak Korean? Why or why not?

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