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Drinking on college campuses

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,795회 작성일 04-07-09 01:05


A new problem has arisen on American college campuses since the 1990s, and it is called "binge drinking". Binge drinking is defined for men as having 5 or more alcoholic drinks in a row and for women, 4 or more drinks. The main purpose of binge drinking is to get drunk quickly. Drinkers use alcohol as a mind-altering substitute for illegal drugs.

Recent surveys have shown that binge drinking on college campuses is very widespread. In a 1993 survey, Harvard University researchers found that some at some schools as many as 70 percent of the students were binge drinkers.

Since alcohol is a drug, binge drinking is a form of drug abuse, on different from smoking marijuana or using cocaine. The only difference is that alcohol is legal and others are not.

In some ways, alcohol abuse can be even more dangerous. While there have been no cases of people dying from smoking too much marijuana, in the past few years several U.S. college students have died from alcohol overdoses. They died because there was too much alcohol in their blood.

Students who binge drink are usually poor students. They often cut classes due to hangovers and they are a lot more likely to flunk out of school than students who are not heavy drinkers.

There are some other problems that are even worse than just having trouble with studies. Alcohol is a factor in 66% of student suicides as well as 60% of all sexually-transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Binge drinkers often get so drunk that they don't know what they're doing. Some of the things they do include having sex with people they'd never met before.

Fraternity houses are notorious for binge-drinking parties, and they have been the scene of most of the deaths that have occurred. Some fraternities have been shut down by school authorities because of drinking-related deaths.

According the Harvard study, binge drinkers are more likely than not to be...
*white(not black or Asian)
*cigarette smokers
*sexually active
*very interested in athletics
*members of fraternities or sororities
*drinkers since high school

Q1) Do you drink alcohol regularly? Do you sometimes get drunk? If so, would you consider yourself a binge drinker?

Q2) Which of the following statements would you agree with? Which would you disagree with and why?
*Drinking is a lot of fun and there is nothing wrong with it.
*Alcohol is bad for the body and it causes too many social problems, so it should be made illegal.
*Drinking is okay for adults but not for teenagers.
*A little drinking is okay for men and women, but drinking too much is bad for everyone.

Q3) Which of these binge drinking-related problems do you think is the most serious? Why do you think so?
*cutting classes and flunking out of school
*student suicides
*catching sexually-transmitted diseases
*getting so drunk that you don't know what you are doing

Q4) What is the best way for colleges and universities to discourage students from binge drinking?
*There's nothing can be done
*Make students attend classes on the bad effects of overdrinking
*Warn students that they'll be sent home if they're caught binge drinking.

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