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Past Lives

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,063회 작성일 04-07-09 01:20


"I feel that it's just part of our makeup....I think that everybody is born with "x"-number of past-life memories embedded in their psyche, and I think it's the basis for our personalities - for our intelligence quotient, for our sexual preferences, for everything that controls us." - Dr. Marge Rieder.

Many of us have had the experience of meeting someone for the first time who felt strangely and deeply familiar. We felt as if it was on the tip of our tongue, that we could almost recall where we knew them from. We felt we knew their smile, their gestures, and what they meant to us emotionally, as soon as we had hardly been introduced. And if we dared share those thoughts, we might have been astonished to find that the other person was having the same experience.

People ask for proof of past-lives, and that proof is with them in the smallest preferences, habit-patterns, likes and dislikes. Whether one feels cold easily or overheats--fear of heights, or water--delight in the ocean or love of the mountains--all are influenced by dimly-felt past-life memories. But it can have a more serious side--one's sexual preference and comfort level about sex, whether one wants to hang onto someone or avoid intimacy, how easily one angers and what one does with that anger--all of these also have a past-life component.

One common type of past-life influence that deserves further mention is the strong emotional attraction felt for a person one has been close to in past lives. This can be a wonderful experience when the situation is favorable, but it can also wreck marriages, result in a dysfunctional relationship or cause one person to become obsessed with an unreceptive love-object. A strongly felt past-life connection may have been healthy, but it just as easily may have been a complicated or inappropriate liaison in the past life.

The influence of past-life memory can, however, be positive. Probably every person who was born a "natural" in any field of endeavor such as the arts, sports, or science, is drawing on one or more past-lives where they had already mastered the subject to a certain degree. Each of us have an untapped reservoir of talents we can draw upon. This doesn't mean that we are always meant to exactly duplicate our previous goals and projects. Probably one of the reasons nature in her wisdom kept us from having total recall of past-lives, is so that we'd stretch in new directions and thus learn different lessons of balance and tolerance.

So the next time you butter your bread in a particular pattern, or meet someone you instantly feel an attraction to, remind yourself that you may be experiencing a consolidated memory from hundreds or even thousands of years ago, when you identified yourself with an entirely different body. In short, if you take the time to look for past-life influence, you'll find it's with you all the time.

Q1) Do you believe in past-life? If you do or don't, what's the reason?

Q2) Have you ever had a really strong deja vu in your life?

Q3) Are you attracted to a certain culture although it doesn't appear in your current family bloodline at all?

Q4) Let's suggest we all have our own past-life. Then, what do you think you were?

Since the 1960s animal rights organizations around the world have tried to make people aware of the cruelty suffered by animals used for laboratory research. Just in the U.S.A. alone, between 25 and 50 million animals are killed in laboratories each year. Hundreds of species are used including mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats , dogs, monkeys, chimpanzees, and many more.

These animals must endure many kinds of painful procedures. They are burned, starved, irradiated, shocked, mutilated, kept in isolation, poisoned, drugged, electrocuted, just to name a few things which can happen to them.

Researchers do these things to animals because they say it will make our lives better. But studies conducted by animal rights groups have shown that the scientific benefits of animal experimentation are very limited.

It is true that people are living longer today than ever before. But most of the increase of our life expectancy is due to better sanitation and improvements in our lifestyle, NOT through research using laboratory animals.

In fact, sometimes animal experiments can lead to some tragic results. Many drugs that have been shown to be safe in laboratory animals have later seriously injured or killed people. These events are not widely publicized by medical researchers; if anything, they are usually kept secret.

Recently, one particular drug, Fialuridine, killed a number of people in a clinical trial after it had been tried on different kinds of animals and was reported by researchers to be "safe."

Household products which are dangerous to humans are first tested on animals before they go on the market. These safety tests can be horrifying procedures. Liquids which can cause blindness in humans are placed in the eyes of restrained rabbits. The rabbits are unable to rub their eyes or give themselves any kind of relief.

Poisons are applied to the bare skin of shaved animals. Animals are force-fed huge quantities of the test products until half or all of them die.

Most people are not aware of the suffering that animals endure testing such products as women's cosmetics, hair coloring, or kitchen cleaning products. Much of the suffering is unnecessary, since other methods of testing are available. Animal rights groups are doing their best to bring about change by making the public more aware.

Q1) Before reading this article, were you aware of the suffering that animals endure in testing the products that we buy? If so, what did you know and how did you find out about it?

Q2) If it is true that there are other methods of testing which do not require the use of laboratory animals, then why do researchers continue to use the animals?

Q3) Do you think that animals should have rights, the same as human beings, or do animals have no rights? Tell why you think so.

Q4) There are countries in the world where even dogs and cats are eaten. What is your opinion of eating other animals besides the ones normally eaten-pigs, cows, chickens, etc.?

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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 1,076건 68 페이지
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