"Growing up: Past and Present" > 영어토론방

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"Growing up: Past and Present"

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,630회 작성일 04-07-08 23:47


When it comes to raising kids, times have changed a lot over the past 30 or 40 years.
Back in the 1950s and 1960s, the family was still strong, and kids pretty much obeyed their parents. If they did something wrong, they were 'grounded' and their allowances were withheld.

Life in those days was a lot simpler than it is today. There were no video game rooms where kids could hang out or get into trouble. The only way to contact people was through the telephone, so keeping in touch with friends wasn't as easy as it is today.

Boys got haircuts and put on ties and suits when they got 'dressed up', girls curled their hair and wore dresses and high-heeled shoes. How times have changed!

Today's kids are growing up in a technological world that kids of the 60s-today's parents- couldn't begin to imagine. They have computers and the internet to help them learn about the world, and they have cellular phones to keep in constant touch with friends. Today *1.it's all about convenience*.

When today's kids get dressed up they put on their designer fashions, which mostly consist of overpriced jeans, knit shirts and sports shoes. Boys don't wear ties, don't even own suits, and they're more likely to dye their hair blonde or red than get a haircut.

A lot of what kids do today can be explained by what's happened to the family in the last 30 years. With more mothers working outside the home, kids are left to *2'fend for themselves'* more and grow up with less supervision than in the past.

As a result, kids are more independent than in the past, and they place more importance on their relationships with friends than with family members.

Today's kids are more likely to be overweight and *3out of shape* than in the past.
Technology and the change of lifestyle that it brought with it are probably the most to blame. Whether kids are sitting behind computers or joysticks, or watching music videos via satelite TV, they are not outside riding bicycles or running around getting exercise.

Today's kids are least physically fit than any earlier generation.
Although the kids of 30 or 40 years ago didn't have all the technological gadgets that kids have today, whether we can say that today's kids have it better than their parents did is a matter of opinion.

*1*: kids want to have all the modern technological devices
*2*: have to take care of themselves
*3*: in bad physical condition

Q1) What is your opinion of today's children?
*probably worse than 30 or 40 years ago
*no better, no worse, just the same as children of years past

Q2) When you were a child, did you have rules and regulations to follow at home, or were you free to do whatever you wanted? How will you raise your own children?

Q3) What is the best way to punish children when they do things wrong? Why do you think so?

Q4) What do you think of young couples who do not want to have any children?
It is okay not to have any children? Why or why not?

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Total 1,076건 69 페이지
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