Why Sex Education Is Necessary > 영어토론방

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Why Sex Education Is Necessary

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,814회 작성일 04-07-08 23:53


An increase in sex crimes committed by juvenile offenders led to the decision by the Ministry of Education to begin sex education classes in Korean high schools.

Two well-publicized incidents in 1996, the suicide of an 18-year-old girl in Suwon who had been raped by a gang of teenage boys, and the attempted suicide of a girl living in a country area who had been raped repeatedly by neighborhood boys, convinced most Koreans that the time had come to make sex education a part of school curriculums from elementary through high schools.

Since Korea has had a long history of Confucian Puritanism when the subject of sex was taboo both in the home and in schools, the idea of actually teaching about sex is not only revolutionary but also shocking to many Koreans. Most Koreans do realize that sex education is probably needed in schools, but there are still many who are afraid that exposing teenagers to information about sex will make them want to try doing it.

Actually, Korea is not the only country in the world where some adults hesitate to provide sex education in schools out of fear that students will want to experiment with sex.

But statistics released by the WHO (World Health Organization) do not support that belief. The results of a survey carried out by the WHO Global Program on AIDS in 1993 showed no evidence that sex education in schools makes young people want to have sex more. In fact, they found just the opposite to be true in many cases.

In 18 out of 35 separate studies, they found that sex education led either to a delay in starting sexual activity or to a decrease in overall sexual activity. In the other 17 studies there was neither an increase nor a decrease in sexual activity.

They also found that providing sex counseling and contraceptives such as condoms to students did not lead to an increase in sexual activity nor make students start having sex any sooner.

A popular advocate of sex education in Korean schools and pioneer in the field today is Ku Seong Ae, who lectures to groups of teachers on the best ways to approach the subject with Korean teenagers. Ms. Ku often makes TV appearances and appears on talk shows. Suggests taking a no-nonsense approach to the subject combined with a bit of humor.

Q1) What is your view of teaching sex education in public schools? Explain your opinion. If you think that today’s teenagers definitely need classes in sex education, what do you think the main focus in sex education classes should be?
(such as *to prevent AIDS
*to prevent unwanted pregnancies
*to prevent sex crimes from being committed by teenage boys)

Q2) If you think that sex education should be taught in schools, when do you think the classes should begin? Why do you think so?
*in primary school
*in middle school
*in high school

Q3) One of the main reasons why Koreans want sex education in schools is to stop the sex crimes being committed by young teenage boys. Do you think that teaching sex education will solve the problem? Why or why not?

Q4) Have you ever heard about sex education expert Ku Seong Ae? Is so, what do you think of her approach to teaching the subject to teenagers?

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