Prevention of Global Warming > 영어토론방

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Prevention of Global Warming

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,031회 작성일 04-07-05 02:35


The topic of global warming has become a heated topic of debate in recent years. Each year as the earth gets hotter and hotter the concept of global warming becomes a serious area of concern. It also makes global warming prevention that much more essential in our effort to stop global warming and the effects it has on the earth. Despite popular belief, the blame doesn’t solely fall on large corporations for the cause of this environmental dilemma. Each person has a responsibility to take care of the environment. In theory, the blame could be placed on the consumers who demand the products from the large corporations and don’t monitor which products are environmentally safe and which aren’t.

Today the common belief among the world’s scientists is that the combination of carbon, methane, and CFC gases released into the atmosphere are causing a greenhouse effect that will raise the average temperature on earth from two to five degrees in the next fifty years. However, there are reasons to be optimistic. Here are a few ways that we may stop or at least slow down the process of global warming.

The most recent attempt to stop global warming was made at a UN sponsored meeting in 1997 at Kyoto, Japan. It was decided at this meeting to drop CO2 emissions below the 1990 level between the years of 2008 and 2012 (Weidenbaum 4).The U.S. agreed to cut emissions by seven percent, the European Union eight percent, and Japan a six percent decrease (Weidenbaum 4). Nevertheless, this decision has been highly debated. Questions often arise over the cost of this operation, the effects on fossils fuel and oil, and the overall effect of the strategy to stop global warming. There is more than just one approach to the prevention of global warming. Instead of slowing the production of CO2, it has been suggested that the UN should invest money into those of developing countries. Studies have shown that when the nation reaches a certain economic threshold (per capita income of 5,000 a year) the country tends to spend more money its environment (Weidenbaum 6). Although this idea is at the extreme opposite point of view, the method could nevertheless work. In addition, the world should place a greater emphasis on the scientific and engineering knowledge of global warming. . The more we know the better we’ll be off.

The points given above were more ideas pertaining to the future then what can be done right now to stop global warming. One way to halt the “greenhouse effect” would be to reduce the amount of methane. At its current position, Methane stands at 15% of global warming (Houghton 142). The stoppage of reduction of Methane would be a small but important step to help global warming. If the scientists could figure out a way to condense Methane by a mere 5% it could go a long way to stabilizing the environment. Next, the world’s forests can offer much needed help to global warming. It is estimated that in every tropical forest there is somewhere from 20,000 to 50,000 tons of biomass (Houghton 147). Scientists estimate that with the burning of destruction of each forest 10,000 to15,000 tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere (Houghton 147). If an effort is made to eliminate deforestation the trees could be extremely useful and alleviate part of the problem of global warming. Lastly, energy saving measures and using natural gas can diminish carbon dioxide by 40% (Houghton 143). Energy could play a big role in stopping global warming.

There are many household products that we are not aware of that can make a difference in the environment. A large portion of chemicals can do harm to the environment. For example, chlorine in spray paint, fire extinguishers, and bleach are extremely harmful. Soap and laundry detergent are very detrimental to the environment. Air fresheners contain butane, which increases air pollution. Another unknown way to lower environmental damage is keep an eye on the status of your appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners. These appliances can leak horrendous amounts of toxic chemicals. Another way to help the environment is to recycle and decompose waste. Studies have suggested using recycled paper and products that were produced from ecologically monitored forests. Also, home maintenance is a vital part of the prevention of global warming. In order to avoid the amount of fossil fuels, taking care of the insulation will go a long way to shrink the amount of heat needed for your home. Plus, using cold water and running the dishwasher when needed will save a tremendous amount of energy. As stated above, using a compost pile and planting trees will lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

It is obvious that there are big and small ways to prevent global warming. However, here are quick ten ways that all of us can to do prevent global warming. Plant additional trees around your home, use a push mover instead of a power mower, install a new high-efficiency refrigerator, buy food and products with reusable packages, replace your current washing machine with a low energy machine, install a solar thermal system to help provide how water, recycle all items possible, avoid using your car when you don’t have to, insulate your home, re-tune your furnace, and install energy-efficient showerheads, and lastly buy a fuel-efficient car. It is obvious that global warming is a very serious issue. The world leaders must find a way to solve this problem. Whether the methods used are big or small, global warming must begin to decline. The job of ending global warming doesn’t solely fall on world leaders, but rather on all of the people of the world as we try to maintain the beautiful place in which we live in.

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