DNA information, it's use, it's future > 영어토론방

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DNA information, it's use, it's future

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,090회 작성일 04-07-08 01:20


Do you remember how they restored the in the movie? They found a mosquito from Jurassic park, in a pumpkin. They reproduced the mosquito's DNA and the movie finally gets started. The blood which the mosquito sipped from the dinosaurs and plants had their DNA in it.

DNA..DNA can be extracted from a person's blood, saliva, their hair or cuticle. As the life-engineering technology develops, how the DNA-one's personal information is used, in what area and the ill effects of it is becoming an important matter.

In many cases it is used for confirming one's real children. It is used in court cases more often these days. The broadcast announcer Baek Ji-Youn has also gone through this process a while ago. This was the important factor for winning the case.

Currently it's becoming a more public use. In Korea there are many venture companies working with the DNA information. Just in Seoul about 10, in the Daeduk research area about 50 bio ventures are analyzing DNA, using them for commercial use. Most are still used in low dimension like confirming one's real children, but some are already finding out disease and curing the disease, from information earned by DNA.

Also many people will remember the reproduced lamb Dolly and the reproduced calf in our country. People are surprised at how far the science technology has come. with this kind of speed the science technology will show a much more faster development.

However we must think about the ill effect of the 'DNA age' that is coming ahead.
As the method of finding and using the DNA information is getting more developed,
the voices worrying about the problem of human rights violation is also rising. After one's personal DNA information gets revealed, it can be used for finding out one's intelligence, one's capability of crime or suicide and so on. So in countries like England, they have about 100 thousand people's DNA informations in the DNA info Bank. They inquire to use it to find a suspector by checking the criminal's (who came out of prison) DNA informations, and see which person has the highest possibility to commit crime once again. Then it will only take a few minutes to find the criminal. Also some raise the possibility that DNA informations can be used unfairly by the employer when hiring employees.

As the area and technology of DNA information gets wider and higher, many insist,
for a new law to protect Personal DNA informations. They insist, before inventing a life-engineering technology, the stability and morality should always be checked and handled first. And without one's approval, the DNA informations must not be used at any how.

The research on DNA information was started by a need and a positive motive.
However, it may have a negative side to it that we already worry about, and some we can't even predict at this moment.

Q1) How much do you know about the research or achievements made in the DNA information area?( Please give us some examples..)

Q2) Do you think the use and research of DNA information is positive or negative?
Which side do you think is bigger?

Q3) Currently in U.S.A, a girl has leukemia but couldn't find the exact marrow. So then, the parents decided to find the same marrow chromosome and through external fertilization, a baby brother was born. Many criticism is going on, whether this is right or wrong. What do you think?

Q4) The rule relating the DNA information's use and research will be made in June, next year. What kind of subjects do you think it must have in it?

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Total 1,076건 70 페이지
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