Let's talk about English Studying. > 영어토론방

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Let's talk about English Studying.

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 2,700회 작성일 03-11-03 22:24


Let's talk about English Studying.
Most Korea's obsession with learning English today. Globalization has been the key word for today's socity. A lot of Korean people believe that in order for korea to be a part of the globalizing word, We need to teath our children how to speak English as fluently as possible. That is why English institutes have prospered in Korea. Also, there has been a shift in the emphasis from written to spoken English, Even college entrance and employment exams require better listening skills rather than grammar skills now. Everyone in Korea seems to envy people who can speak English fluently. If you can't speak English, you can't flnd a stable job since large corporations require interviews in English. What's your opinion onthis?
박종우: I've always had a hard time learning English. It's not an easy language. It's obvious that you have to know English to survive on the job market nowadays. 1 wish I had started learning English earlier, because I firmly believe that learning a language when you're younger can make you more fluent. There have been many studies done on second language learning. They say that in order to speak a language fluently, you must learn it before the age of twelve. I didn't start until I was an adult, so I have this heavy accent. -[11/07]-
풀잎소리(jscute): I think we cannot aboid learning English. As you said we have to be fleunt in English in order to get a job these days, if all people are fleunt in English and only I am not, I would be left over. But we have to bear in mind that we are Koreans. We must keep learnig Korean more than English. -[11/16-20:40]-
박혜선(celine2001): English is an international language which most of the people in the world must use to communicate each other. So we don't have to question about whethere or not we have to learn it. I think it's important to change our idea that speaking is a more important skill than others. In fact we rarely have an opportunity to speak in English in everyday life. The best way to enhance our English ability in Korea is to read as many as books written in English with listening practices. To try to speak in English without solid fundamental only leads to frustrate the learners due to little effects. -[12/17-23:34]-



truehumble님의 댓글

truehumble 작성일

I think the policy of English in Korea is quiet good. It's important to speak and listen well in English. But I think it's easy to do so if you have deep and different knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. the reason that Korean are in difficult to speak and listen well in English is insufficient of experience about that. people who have knowledge of grammar and vocabulary can learn the talking skill much faster than who have no kowledge of those. maybe Korean are far better in English because Korean has wide and deep basic knowledge.the one thing that Korean need is just experience with English talker. I'm sure that Korean who have great knowledge of grammar and voca can speak and listen well if he or she takes only three month lecture that specially teach the speak and listen skill.

Total 1,076건 71 페이지
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