Hong Gil-Dong's theft can be justified? > 영어토론방

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Philosophy Hong Gil-Dong's theft can be justified?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,281회 작성일 11-04-10 17:48



Hong Gil-Dong's theft can be justified? (=Do the ends justify the means?)

- Opinion #1
By SelectSmart.com Staff
(By MagnaLux) We must ALWAYS look at the heart-motive.

The central issue is "motive." For example, Sam would steal bread in order to preserve the life of her children. Yes, stealing is wrong. But the "right" of saving lives is more important than the "wrong" of stealing, because as Scripture says "life is of more importance than than things" (this is a paraphrase of Matthew 6:25). The temporary "wrong" can be remedied (works later to pay for the bread.) Rob would permit the "intense question" a terrorist with murder on his mind by some government agency or other for the purpose of saving the lives who might be lost to the terrorist's act. Again, "torture" is absolutely wrong - but the end of "preserving life" (including the person's being tortured) must inform the means of accomplishing it. Also, the temporary "wrong" can be remedied - appropriate medical care and (if necessary) government compensation can be given. We must ALWAYS look at the heart-motive. Without this perspective, ALL acts run the risk of offending...

- Opinion #2
By SelectSmart.com Staff
(By NaturalCyborg) The ends never justify the means

The ends never justify the means. Not ever, not under any circumstances. There can be a perfectly harmless end or goal that is achieved by means that are not in any way bad, but even in such cases, the goal is not what justifies the means to that end, or keeps the means from being wrong: the nature of the means is what does that. Sure you have to evaluate a set of actions in the context of the goal they lead to (or more properly, the motivation behind them), but this still does not equate to justifying the means by the ends.

(Supporting url[s]: http://selectsmart.com)

Due to the strict Korean Confucian laws of the Joseon Dynasty, Heo expressed his ideas in this novel, where Hong, born an illegitimate child, is not accepted by his father and family. His father, after hearing from a shaman that his son is cursed, attempts to kill him but fails. Shocked and appalled at his father's actions, he goes out into the world, where he becomes a theif leader. He becomes a bandit for the people, and steals from the rich only to give to the poor. His popularity within the peasant society soars, and many view him as a hero. Because of this, he is wanted by the government under Yeonsangun and is marked as a national traitor. With the order from the King, the government forces try to capture him many times, only to capture three hundred of his manifestations. Eventually, to control him, the government offers him the job of War Minister in which he accepts. For a while, he is satisfied with his occupation, but later, he realizes that the people still suffer. To find out the truth, he departs for Nanjing to seek truth there. On his way, by chance he discovers the nation of Yul-do, which was oppressed by demons. He defeats the demons, and is elected the king of Yul-do. However, he hears the news of his father’s death, and hurries back to Joseon to serve his father’s funeral for three years, according to tradition. After his service, he returns to Yul-do, where he lives happily as a king and hero.

(Supporting url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Gil_Dong)

The story Robin Hood is about a man who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He goes through the forest everyday in search of a new man for his group. His best man is Little John who protects him 24-7. Robin get in trouble with the law a lot so he runs from camp, but always comes home when they are off his trail. He gets into many fights throughout the forest. If Robin loses that man will be in his group. The king gets upset because Robin steals money from a monk, and tries to kill him.

(Supporting url: http://www.buildingrainbows.com/bookreview/reviewid/281, by Emily Reichert)

Jean Valjean, after spending nineteen years in jail and in the jail for stealing a loaf of bread and for several attempts to escape, is finally released, but his past keep catching up with him.

(Supporting url: http://www.cliffsnotes.com)

* illegitimate child: 서자, shaman: 무속인, appalled: 간담이 서늘한, peasant: 소작농, national traitor: 매국노, manifestation: (유령 따위의) 현현, War Minister: 병조판서, oppress: 탄압하다

1. Do the ends justify the means? Let's talk about your thought and experience about it.
2. Hong Gil-Dong and Robin Hoods's theft can be justified?
3. Jean Valjean's case is little different from other cases. What do you think about it?

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