what was your dream? > 영어토론방

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Philosophy what was your dream?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 2건 조회 8,691회 작성일 12-08-15 16:25



Hello, everybody! My name is Thomas Suarez.
I’ve always had a fascination for computers and technology and I’ve made a few apps for the iPhone, iPad Touch and iPad. I’d like to share a couple with you today.

My first app was a unique Fortune Teller called: Earth Fortune that will display different colors of the Earth depending on what your fortune was. My favorite and most successful app is Bustin Jieber. Which is which is a Justin Bieber wack-a-mo! I created it cause a lot of people at school disliked Justin Bieber a little bit, so I decided to make the app. So I went to work programming it and I released it just before the holidays in 2010. A lot of people ask me how did I make these. A lot of times it’s because the person who asked the question wants to make an app also. A lot of kids these days like to play games. But now they want to make them. And it’s difficult because no many kids know where to go to find out how to make a program, I mean, for soccer you can go to a soccer team, for violin you can get lessons for a violin but what if you wanna make an app and their parents – kids parents might of done some of these things when they are young, but not many parents have written Apps!

Where do you go to find out how to make an app?
Well this is how I approached it, this is what I did. First of all, I’ve been programming in multiple – in other programming which is to get the basics down, such as Pythons, C, Java, etc. And then Apple released the iPhone and with it the iPhone software development kit. And the software development kit is a suite of tools for creating programming and iPhone app. This opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. And after playing with the software development kit, a little bit, I made a couple of apps and made some test apps, one of them happened to be Earth Fortune. And I was ready to put Earth Fortune on the apps and so I persuaded my parents to pay the $99.00 fee to be able to put my apps on the Apps Store. They agreed and now I have apps on the Apps Store.

I got a lot of interest and encouragement from my family, friends, teachers and even people at the Apple Store. And that’s been a huge help to me. I got a lot of inspiration from Steve Jobs. And I started an App Club at school. And a teacher at my school is kindly sponsoring my App Club. Any student at my school can come and design – learn how to design an app. This is so I can share my experiences with others. There’s these programs called the iPad Pilot Program and some districts have them and I’m fortunate enough to be part of one. A big challenge is how should the iPads be used and what apps should we put on the iPads? So we are getting feedback from teachers at the school to see what kind of apps they like, when we design the app and we sell it, it will be free to local districts and other districts that we sell to, all the money from that will go into the local ED foundations.

These days student know – usually know a little bit more than teachers with the technology [background laughing] so, sorry, so this is a resource to teachers and educators should recognize this resource and make good use of it.

I’d like to finish up by saying what I’d like to do in the future. First of all I’d like to create more apps, more games, I’m working with a third party company to make an app, I’d like to get into android programming and development and I’d like to continue my app club to find other ways for students to share knowledge with others. Thank you.

1. what do you feel about the video?
2. what was your dream when you were young.
3. Did your dream changed? if so, why?
4. doing what you can do well or what you like, which one is better choice?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



ManKrug님의 댓글

ManKrug 작성일

Well... I can't feel anything about the video you linked because it was blocked. So, I will answer 3 questions.
My dream was an doctor, actually. But I didn't select that job because I realized that the doctor doesn't makes me happy at all.
And, answer for the last question, I think that both of them are not different, actually. If you like something, I'm sure that you'll do well soon. And, of course, If you can do well, you will like it...don't you? I don't think you like something that you can't do well... I hope that these answers can satisfy you. Thank you very much.


겨울속나비님의 댓글

겨울속나비 작성일

I can't see the video you linked. Anyway, when i was young, i wanted to be a psychologist but at the time that job was not popular. Also, my homeroom teacher said psychologists in Korea can't make a living with the job. So, I gave it up and regretted following his adivce. Then I changed my dream. It was the thing which was more popular and expecting. Now thinking about my past, doing what people can do well is better choice thant doing what people like because, if people choose the letter one as a job, the feeling that you like it could disappear, replaced with lots of stress.

Total 24건 1 페이지
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19 Philosophy
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18 Philosophy
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17 Philosophy
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15 Philosophy
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14 Philosophy
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13 Philosophy
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10 Philosophy
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게시물 검색



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