Can human be God/gods or not? > 영어토론방

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Religion Can human be God/gods or not?

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작성자 ace나그네
댓글 1건 조회 13,648회 작성일 13-07-31 01:59


   Futurist Ray Kurzweil argued that human will spread whole universe and rule the natural law by human intelligence in the near future through his book, 'The Singularity is near'. It means that human will control whole universe and change their own form to non-biological body. This argument could be heard as the extreme forecast for future of human civilization. But Ray Kurzweil didn't tell the ultimate destination or fate of our human civilization through his book. Actually, there are many glooming forecast for human civilization. There are many possible causes that can completely destroy our human civilization like the global warming, collisions of asteroids, volcanic eruptions, the death of Sun, and etc. But if our human civilization successfully survive and continuously develop the technology, what will happen?

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   Human continuously break the line between God and themselves by developing science and technology. For example, Religious people have argued that Human Cloning technology, heliocentric theory, and many other technological developments are the invasion against God's area. But if we want to discuss this topic, we need to clarify first that what is the God/gods' area. According to the Bible, God create universe and human species. According to the Classic Myths, Greek and Roman gods create universe and human species. Many other religions have also told similar stories. They have their own gods who create and rule the whole universe. So if our human civilization develop enough technologies to create the new universe and intellectual beings, it will definitely the invasion against God/gods' area.


   There are some pre-conditions for becoming God/gods. First problem is the technical issue. Is it possible human can create the new universe and intellectual beings? In the Starcraft world, Xel`naga have been known as the creators of the Zerg and Protoss. But in reality, Xel'naga doesn't make new intellectual beings from nothing. Zerg and Protoss have been lived even before the arrival of Xel'naga, and they just reshape Zerg and Protoss actually. For becoming the real God/gods, human should make independent intellectual beings from human species from nothing unlike Xel'naga.


   Even if the human can make new species, it is not enough to become God/gods. Although we can make new life from inorganic substances in the future, the inorganic substances and the energies for making new life exist in this universe. In the status quo, human species have been made cyberspace. Although someone can say cyberspace is the different space from this real world. But anyway, the energies and materials for making cyberspace exist in this universe, and cyberspace itself also exists in this universe. So, humans also should make the independent Universe from our Universe. According to the Bible, God created universe and human through his voice. Before the creation, there is no universe at the first place. Only God exist according to the Bible. Similarly, human should make the universe first, and using the materials and energies come from the universe, human should create intellectual beings. This is the only possible condition for comparing real God/gods in many religions.


   The 2nd problem is the issue of justification. Something that we can do does not guarantee that we should do. There are many morality issues between us, the creators and the intellectual beings, the creations. According to the Bible and the Classic Myths, God/gods did genocide most of humans at least once. And the intellectual beings can disobey our will like we did to the God in the Bible. Even if we put aside the relationship problem, we need some models for making universe at the first place. Should we make the universe similar to our universe based on evolution theory? Should we make the universe based on the view of the world from the Bible? Should we accept the eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth for making new universe? How about the problem of good & evil? One can attack God/gods that they are the ones who made good and evil beings at the first place but they punish evil beings or they let the existence of evil beings irresponsibly. But how about ours? Is it possible to make the Utopia not only for intellectual beings but also for all members of the new universe at the first place?


   According to the lines in the movie 'Spiderman', Power requires responsibility. Becoming God/gods is not the easy task at the first place. Serious reflection for the meaning of life, human, civilization, universe and etc should be required. This debate is for searching the final destination of our human civilization and finding the purpose of ourselves. What is the human? What is the meaning of life? What the fate of universe? These kinds of questions are fundamental to ourselves but we don't have such time to think these problems currently.



행복하자님의 댓글

행복하자 작성일

i believed in power and ability of human.but sometimes i felt the weakness of humanbeing facing the nature disaster such as earthquake,flood,tornado and so on.we have developed many tecnical things and we have made many solution overcoming spite of that also they are changing so fast.nowdays i'm not sure that we can control mattter it would be settled or not we have to try to ponder and find way to win aganinst this problem

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