Is U.S.government really hiding facts about UFOs? > 영어토론방

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Science Is U.S.government really hiding facts about UFOs?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 3,561회 작성일 11-01-09 16:38



◆ UFO enthusiasts urge Obama to release X-files about alien sightings

UFO aficionados are urging Barack Obama to release classified documents about sightings of alien spacecraft, spurred on by support from within his own White House team.

They have written to the president-elect, pressing him to reveal the contents of America's X Files.

In a letter, the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee asks Mr Obama to 'end the six-decade truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race'.

They hope to have garnered 40,000 signatures in support of their campaign by the time Mr Obama is inaugurated in January.

The enthusiasts are encouraged by public statements from John Podesta, who is running the president-elect's transition team, and Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico, who is expected to land a cabinet post.

When he was the White House chief of staff under Bill Clinton, Mr Podesta was in charge of a project to declassify 800 million pages of intelligence documents.

He said in a press conference: 'It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.'

Gov Richardson is a fellow UFO enthusiast. He has written a forward to a book on the 'Roswell Incident' in New Mexico, where an alien spacecraft crash is said to have landed in 1947.

Campaigners believe the corpses of humanoid aliens have been locked away by the government.

Gov Richardson has urged the Pentagon to disclose what really happened, and last year insisted there had been a 'cover-up'.

The committee wants the U.S. to follow Britain's example in making public reported contact with UFOs.

Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee, told the Sunday Telegraph: 'The release of documents in Britain and France has put huge pressure on the US. It makes the government here look pretty stupid.

'I think we are seeing the Democrats moving towards disclosure.'

The group wants military services and intelligence agencies to brief the incoming president about what they know.

They also urge Mr Obama to open congressional hearings 'to take testimony from scores of government witnesses who have already come forward with extraordinary evidence and are prepared to testify under oath.'

excerpt from The Korea Times


◆ Assange: There are references to UFOs in archive

WikiLeaks may release UFO files

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, had an interview with the public through the website of The Guardian newspaper on Friday.

In the short question-and-answer session, Assange talked about WikiLeaks’ future course of action and vision, as well as the alleged threat to his life.

He also indicated that WikiLeaks has unreleased documents about UFO, sparking concerns about the existence of the second form of life.

In that chat, he said, "Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti- Christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant.”

“However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules. However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the Cable Gate archive there are indeed references to UFOs."

On Friday, NASA researchers revealed that they discovered a new microbe that thrives on arsenic, hinting at the possibility of the existence of an extraterrestrial life.

excerpt from The Korea Herald

1. Are you interested in the existence of extraterrestrial life?

    Do you believe in those lives' existence?
2. Why do the public want to know about the extraterrestrial life?
3. If there are hidden facts about UFOs, does the American government have to disclose the facts?

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lemontree님의 댓글

lemontree 작성일

I believe there are no UFOs in the world.


별이반짝님의 댓글

별이반짝 작성일

i think there will be no UFO.
Even if there  is,the USA might tell us about it.
And before the usa tells us we might see it.


에렌님의 댓글

에렌 작성일

Isn't it just a mummy of ancient person and unique circumstance of light or sky?
I think there is no UFO, there is no real alien.

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