Should a doctor await for the drugs to be approved > 영어토론방

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Science Should a doctor await for the drugs to be approved

페이지 정보

작성자 코나우
댓글 0건 조회 2,934회 작성일 15-06-27 18:21


It is a very common sense that a doctor's job is to save a patient's life. The idea that life is the most important value is also a very popular idea. But please ponder on this ethical conundrum. Let me tell you a story. A story I saw once in a TV show named 'Boston legal.'

There once was a doctor who usually deals with patients with diseases that are hard to cure, like diabetes. Many of his patients were dying, but he did his best, doing what he could do to help them. But one day, he hears about a supposedly miraculous drug that is known to cure a particular disease, previously known to be incurable, whose victims had no choice but to just wait to die. His heart starts pounding, the doctor looks for the drug like a mad man.

But there was just a one small, fatal problem: the drug, which was already thought to be clinically safe from standard testings, was not sold in the public yet because FDA(Food and drug administration) was still reviewing it's case. He also hears that for the drug to be approved, it would take at least another 5 years or so. Growing desperate, the doctor calls an old friend of his at the pharmaceutical company and was able to get his hands on the miracle drug.

The result was satisfactory: the drug was able to slow the progress of the disease dramatically. The patient, who had to stay on his bed all the time, could walk around, do household works, and even meet up with his friends again. The drug made both the doctor and the patient very happy.

But the truth couldn't be hidden wrong, soon the authorities found out about the doctor's deeds. It is very illegal for a doctor to prescribe or give his/her patients an unsanctioned drug. The penalty is losing his/her medical license, along with some time in jail.

He and his lawyers argue that what the doctor did was just to save his patient's life. That life is the first priority for anyone to act on. The prosecutors counter that argue that there are rules about approvals of foods and drugs for a reason; if doctors around the world just give away new drugs, there could be, and will be health hazards.

Who do you agree with?


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Total 19건 1 페이지
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