Importance of creative ideas > 영어토론방

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Technique Importance of creative ideas

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작성자 토론실
댓글 2건 조회 4,459회 작성일 10-07-18 16:08



Steve Jobs, the chairman of Apple Inc., has always emphasized that a creative idea comes from "a different way of thinking". When the iPhone was first unveiled to the world with its innovative design and user interface, which other competitors had never tried, people were immediately fascinated. Following in the footsteps of the original iPhone is another innovative creation of Apple that is changing our way of life and our culture as well, the 4G iPphone. Since Apple Inc. first released the original, it almost instantaneously shifted the paradigm of the mobile phone market. So one might ask, what is it that makes everyone want one?

For one, the phone has some very unique and impressive applications as a result of breakthrough software programs, which allow users to enjoy and utilize a variety of services with great ease. In making the iPhone, Apple took into account the compatibility of the software and hardware, where in the past many of its competitors primarily focused on hardware when developing products. This “different way of thinking” work environment provided the foundation for the creativity to make the phone the big success that it is.

In Korea, mobile companies’ products have fallen behind the iPhone even though they have been at the top of the global mobile phone market for the last few years. Korean companies missed a wonderful opportunity by overlooking the potential in software. They could not see the future from a different point of view. Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung is now facing a difficult challenge and has stated, “we should get through this situation with innovative ideas." He knows that creative ideas always play a significant role in developing businesses.

It is true that Korean universities and Koreans in general have a tendency to follow rather than think creatively and forge a new innovative path. In the wake of economic development, the majority of universities set a premium on studies in business administration and economics primarily. Some universities even want so far as to abolish their liberal arts educational programs entirely.

Furthermore, many students are not interested in studying the humanities because they want to achieve as much financial wealth as quickly as possible and they think areas such as the humanities will not promise financially rewarding career opportunities. I think this shift in educational focus has created a void in creativity. Creative ideas come from people having diverse experiences of study, experience and thought. Other areas of study, such as the humanities are the essence of all, including social science. Therefore, it is very difficult to expect the development of business administration and economics without studying the humanities. For example, “capitalism” would not have emerged if it were not for the development of the democratic liberalism of the humanities. It is impossible for social sciences to be explained without an understanding the humanities.

With this realization, it becomes imperative that we study and experience a diverse range of educational subjects to achieve both creativity and wealth. Creativity comes from the abundance of knowledge and imagination, so if we are all thinking from the same point of view, derived from similar areas of study and experience, we can't compete with other societies and companies which nurture the creative environment early on.

Nowadays, people who challenge the global markets and foresee “Blue Oceans” with creative ideas will succeed regardless of the industry.

Bill Gates, the representative icon of Microsoft once said: "There is a chance in change!" The word "change" can be transformed to "chance" if the letter "g" is changed to "c". Therefore, I believe that with change and thinking differently, we can compete more effectively in global markets and the Korean economy will have many opportunities to create new ideas through a wide range of harmonious studies.

Excerpt from The Korea Times

1. Let’s solve some creativity questions.
2. Why do you think creative ideas are important?
3. After 10 or 20 years, what occupation will be promising? Think creatively.

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*싱클레어*님의 댓글

*싱클레어* 작성일

Creative and different thinking can make new solutions to the faced problems. However, there are also many risks. Anyone can't scold away the people who want to take normal life path. I agree that innovative and creative can make a huge evolution in spite of their low possiblity. But I can't agree the creative ideas are important because an innovation doesn't always bring human's happiness.


juno님의 댓글

juno 작성일

Creativity is a path for evolution. As did our ancestors, we develop technology with creativity. Also, it is a very important factor to be a successful entrepreneur these days. But, the current economic situation and some cultural factors force the young to lose interest in the humanities and innovative work. With low minimum wage, many people barely satisfy their basic needs. Creativity might be a luxury. It is too risk to be a creative man in this country. There need a structural change in education and social programs.
I think a prospective job might a cyber police. Lots of online frauds take place and cause a serious amount of financial damages to people. The number of cyberbullying or cyber harassment is increasing too. The role of a cyber police is considered important over time.

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