Difficulty in Adapting to Military > 영어토론방

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Theothers Difficulty in Adapting to Military

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,236회 작성일 06-10-22 15:17


famous43.jpgYoung Generation Suffers Difficulty in Adapting to Military

The ideals of the young generation, with high value on freedom and individuality, conflict greatly with the military culture that gives priority to discipline and regulation.
Critics point out that the culture gap is one of the reasons for the recent violent incidents in the military, including the shooting rampage at an Army guard post inside the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Sunday that claimed eight lives.
``Like other kinds of crimes, crimes in the military are also the results of the failure of a person to adapt to their environment. These days, young soldiers have difficulties adapting to traditional military culture,’’ Lee Yoon-ho, Dongguk University Police Administration professor, said.

The younger generation, with fewer siblings and many of them being the only children in their families, feel less comfortable with group life than older generations. Soldiers have to share a single room with many others for 24 hours a day, sleeping and eating together, and they are simply not used to it, Lee said.
To young people who are used to a variety of activities, the military’s simple routine, such as getting up and going to sleep at set times, is also stressful. Their freedom is limited and they are even punished if they do not eat their meals.
In the case of privates, they have to study the subtle communication of a senior’s face to avoid being punished. Many young people have never experienced harsh punishment or insults from their parents or teachers.

Last year, about 8,000 soldiers who failed to adapt themselves to the army entered the ``vision camp,’’ a mental treatment center of the Army.
``Although the army gives more freedom and entertainment to soldiers, such as allowing them to surf the Internet and set up karaoke rooms, the military is still the military and a chain of command is important. It is not easy to keep the balance between the two,’’ Lee said.
But he also pointed out that inordinate hierarchy and abusive language still prevail in the army, even among young soldiers. The soldier who shot his fellow soldiers, identified by his surname Kim, allegedly said he decided to commit the crime following his senior comrades’ insult.
Commanders and officers also express difficulty in managing soldiers, saying they are unable to tend to every soldier to prevent such accidents. They also admit that there is a generation gap between officers and young soldiers.

Critics say commanders should change their approach and recognize soldiers as their partners, not as those who must passively follow their command.
``Leadership is required for officers and ordinary soldiers so that senior soldiers can make junior soldiers follow their command without physical violence or abusive language. Soldiers have to learn better communication skills and build respectful relationships with others,’’ Lee pointed out.

**For your tips**
adapt to ~: 환경이나 풍습에 적응하다.
follow someone's command: 명령에 따르다.

1. Is there someone around you that had or are having difficult time in adapting to military?
2. What do you think about the disciplined and strict military system?
3. Do you think military should change its system or atmosphere to satisfy changing

   young generation?
4. If you think military needs other change, what is it?

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