772 sailors must make a return > 영어토론방

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Theothers 772 sailors must make a return

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 4,259회 작성일 10-04-04 16:46



772 sailors must make a return

772 Do you copy?
The whole nation waits anxiously
The pitch darkness of
Some of the rapids of the Yellow Sea
You can not stop the return of
The remaining 772 operations in the area must immediately fall back to Sailor

772 Do you copy?
One sergeant gaseuteoeobinsil seoseung Say
Jang Jin-ray Sergeant diesel truth in.
I have already quit the mission doeeoteuni
Be back here at night before coming up

772 Do you copy?
Come induced cockpit Sergeant angyeonghwan
Kyung Su Park Maintenance Workshop Sergeant Say
Use of hutasil Sergeant in.

Way through the ocean currents make geochireun Back Injuries
As with all his might come with us to come back

Do you copy? 772
Agency Coordination jangcheolhui infected Say
Yarn Restaurant Yichang stage soldiers in.

We go down
ssu team put up hanging up naeryeogalttae

772 sailors must make a response
The sailors are called for an immediate answer please

Namgihun Sergeant Sergeant sinseonjun, KIM Jong sergeant.
Bakboram Sergeant, Sergeant Lee Sang-min Corporals gimseonmyeong
Gangtaemin private, simyoungbin Sergeant Sergeant jojeonggyu,
jeongtaejun disease, Jung Hoon Park, Corporal, Sergeant imjaeyeop
Cho Private, Sergeant Kim Dong-jin. Jeongjongyul Sergeant,
Sergeant Kwon, choehangwon Sergeant Sergeant Alloys
Seodaeho Sergeant Sergeant bangilmin, bakseokwon Sergeant,
Sergeant Lee Sang-min, chagyunseok sergeant. Corporal jeongbeomgu
SJ Sergeant Sergeant ganghyeongu In memory of Sergeant,
Sergeant victims, andongyeop corporal, privates nahyeonmin
Jojinyoung Sergeant munyounguk Sergeant Sergeant sonsumin, sixty privates,
minpyeonggi Sergeant, Sergeant gangjun
Choejeonghwan Sergeant, soo, Sergeant, Sergeant mungyuseok,

Homyeongdoen immediately fall back to Sailor
Front of the patrol to his comrades to leave now
Let's bring it alive only
This is the last command you assigned to the Republic of Korea

Stone God over the Republic of Korea bowoohan
Areas still remain in operation
Of 772 sailors, we should save me

Of about 46 people of our sons
Let cool on the bottom of a bottle to drink
Saenghwan front of everyone waiting for a warm home and survives, O




까다만귤님의 댓글

까다만귤 작성일

I think that  goverment  must have investigation in cause of explosion. if northkorea attacks cheon an ham goverment would have thigten regulation on economy

Total 15건 1 페이지
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