2nd World Online Debate Championship 같이 참가할팀원구합니다. > 자유게시판

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2nd World Online Debate Championship 같이 참가할팀원구합니다.

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 0건 조회 2,516회 작성일 10-07-05 19:14



 이미 등록 기간은 지났지만, 한국팀의 경우 제가 팀원을 구해서 같이 신청하면 해준다고 합니다. 제1회 WODC서 한국 팀이 이 대회 4강에 들었죠...  확실한 경력과 실력을 쌓고자 하는 여러분의 도움 부탁드립니다. 언제까지 가능할 지 저도 몰라서요... 2~6명이 1팀을 이루고 1국가 1팀입니다. 이 대회에 참가하고 싶으시면 firest12@hanmail.net 이나 010-7670-7720으로 참가여부에 대한 확답 부탁드립니다.


 * The World Online Debating Championships

WODC - The World Online Debating Championship Debatewise is proud to announce the second World Online Debating Championships (WODC). This is a debating competition like no other; you can debate from the comfort of your home, you can participate anywhere with internet access, you have a full 24 hours to perfect your arguments and can collaborate with teammates, no matter where they are in the world.

You can read last year's debates here.

How does it work?

First register your team by sending us an email, below.
At the given time (yet to be finalised, but in early July) we'll pair up teams, assign a motion and decide who will be the proposition and who'll be the opposition - all at random of course
A typical debate starts on Monday and runs as follows

  1. Monday 12 noon GMT
    wodc-1.jpgMotion revealed to Proposition – they make their case
  2. Tuesday 12 noon GMT
    Motion and proposition’s arguments revealed to Opposition. Opposition responds and makes its case
  3. Wednesday 12 noon GMT
    Proposition responds to opposition – adds new arguments
  4. Thursday 12 noon GMT
    Opposition responds to proposition – makes new arguments
  5. Friday 12 noon GMT
    Both sides summarise
  6. Saturday 12 noon GMT
    Judging begins. Two judges will be experienced real-world debate judges, and the third 'judge' will be a score devised from the open voting facility on the site.
  7. Winners progress to the next round

Entry costs US$20 per person and is capped at $100 per team. If this causes you a problem please email us below and we'll see what we can do. We will only have one team from each country so may hold preliminary rounds to select the representative before the main contest starts. You'll be notified if that is the case.
Otherwise, get entering and good luck. We are restricting this competition to 32 teams only so don't delay, enter now!
Any questions - email us below:
Why enter?
  • Fantastic prizes
  • Chance to call yourself a World Champion
  • Ability to hone your debating skills
  • Debate with people from around the world without leaving home
  • Permanent recognition in the Debatewise Hall of Fame
  • Certificates of achievement for all 32 finalists
  • Chance to mentor next year's contestants

Useful links


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 17,222건 341 페이지
자유게시판 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
9742 긴급 프리킴 2135 08-02
9741 긴급 부업코리아 1476 07-28
9740 긴급 에브리템 1799 07-27
9739 토론실 2603 07-26
9738 일반 블랙문 2355 07-19
9737 블루참치 2218 07-19
9736 토돌이 2119 07-18
9735 ace나그네 2938 07-13
9734 긴급 에브리템 2107 07-13
9733 ace나그네 2382 07-12
9732 의견 프리킴 2637 07-08
9731 특별 ace나그네 2170 07-08
9730 긴급 ace나그네 2506 07-07
열람중 ace나그네 2517 07-05
9728 프리킴 2176 07-05
9727 긴급 유토토 2110 07-02
9726 일반 프리킴 1782 07-01
9725 ace나그네 2385 06-27
9724 긴급 ace나그네 1791 06-27
9723 질문 Idler 2212 06-25
9722 ace나그네 2403 06-18
9721 정종술 2457 06-16
게시물 검색



운영자 SNS커뮤니티

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https://pf.kakao.com/_xocRxjK https://story.kakao.com/ch/toronsil2001 https://toronsil.tistory.com https://m.post.naver.com/acetraveler

https://blog.naver.com/acetraveler https://cafe.naver.com/toronsilsince2001 https://timeline.line.me/user/_dZVn8dOub0-9zubHJ-7LNDBubziVSzUT0jK3hn0 https://open.kakao.com/o/ghmiAdpc

https://www.instagram.com/acetraveler12 https://www.instagram.com/acetraveler12/channel/ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/toronsil https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSQEwnxoTgesALkVkL_PKA

https://ameblo.jp/firest12/ http://acetraveler.blogspot.com/ https://www.reddit.com/user/acetraveler12 https://ok.ru/profile/585384389039

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https://tv.kakao.com/channel/3743718 https://www.linkedin.com/in/min-seob-lee-9a1b1729

사이트 정보

대한민국 토론커뮤니티-토론실 대표: 이민섭
☎ TEL 010-7670-7720 대한민국 서울특별시 동대문구 회기로 12길 37-5, 401호
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Mail : acetraveler@naver.com

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